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Renoise v1.25 (неполный перевод)

Редактор инструментов

Это отличное решение для получения максимального звучания и качества из семплов. Разные типы огибающих, параметры, эффекты, привязка разных семплов к разным нотам и подобное.

Рисунок (слева-направо, сверху-вниз)

Слева огибающие Громкости/Паннинга/Питча. Справа - огибающие фильтров. Клавиатруа внизу - для присвоения семплам используемые ноты.

Volume/Pan/Pitch огибающие (Громкость/Паннинг/Питч)

 On/Off (Volume/Panning/Pitch) - выбор и включение/отключение огибающих.
 Envelope type - выбор между линейным и сглаженым типом огибающих, сглаженые кривые точнее.
 Length - время звучание огибающей (в тиках - 6 тиков в одной линии паттерн)
 Envelope display - прорисовка огибающих левой или правой кнопкой мыши. Левая рисует линии, правая - точка.
 Presets - выбор встроенных шаблонов огибающих или создание новых ("левая мышь" - использовать готовый шаблон, "правая мышь" - сохранить новый)
 Init/Flip/Mirror - использовать огибающие оп умолчанию или зеркально отобразить их горизонтально (Flip) или вертикально (Mirror)
 Loop - выбор типа зацикливания огибающей, назначение точек начала и конца.
 Sustain - назначение точки повторения огибающей, это будет продолжаться до вызова команды note off.
 FadeOut - плавное снижение звучания до полной тишины, если используется зацикливание огибающей и включен этот параметр. Чем больше значение, тем быстрее и резче звучание смолкнет.
 LFO/Dephase/Freq/Amp - параметры LFO - тип (базовые типы волн) и управление параметрами Dephase/Freq/Amp. Работа с ними Дает примерно тот же самый результат, что и огибающие инструментов, но не требует рисования!

Filter envelope (огибающие фильтра)

Большинство параметров повторяет огибающие инструментов, но есть несколько своих особенностей:

 Cutoff/Reso/Filter type - Select Cutoff, Resonance envelope and type of filter applied to filter envelope.
 AutoAmp - Simple envelope follower that controls the cutoff / resonance amounts dynamically
 Attack - Sets how fast the envelope reacts on higher peak values from the audio signal
 Release - Sets how fast the envelope will fall down when the peak of the audio signal is less than the envelopes amount
 Amount - Define the intensity with which the envelope controls the cutoff / resonance amount. 127 means full control over the cutoff / resonance

Split sample keyboard

If you have more than one sample in an instrument it is here that you can define which keys they will be assigned to. Multi sampled instruments sound more natural and you can also create drum kits with this keyboard.

 Selected split's base note - Which keyboard key will be assigned to sample as base (pressing that key will play sample without resampling, at its original pitch).
 Transpose all splits - Changes the base note for all splits.
 Set all to current split - Fills the keyboard with the current split number (erases other numbers).
 Generate drum kit map - Spreads splits across keyboard keys so that one key receives one split number. This way you can generate drum kits (instruments with many drum samples, different drum on each different key). The advantage of setting up drum kits in this way is that you need only one instrument for a whole set of drums.

To position samples across keyboard keys, select the first sample split and draw with mouse on keyboard where you want it to be located (it will draw 0's). Then select the second sample and draw it where you want this one (it will draw 1's). After you've drawn key splits for all samples test it by playing on your real keyboard (or PC virtual piano keyboard).

Using the Instrument Editor

A sample without envelopes is just a sample. A sample with envelopes and key splits is an instrument.

Volume envelope - If you take a basic string loop, it will just loop without any exciting changes. Now if you add (at least) a volume envelope you can make it fade-in on start and fade out on end (while sample loop is played constantly). Other instruments, basses for example, could have short fade in and longer fade out times using a volume envelope. With leads, you may want to hold a certain volume for a pitch change - in this case use Loop and/or Sustain points to hold envelope playback at certain points. Your lead will follow the volume envelope until loop or sustain points are reached and then either loop or pause playback of the envelope. After note off, it will either continue with envelope playback (if you selected sustain) or fade out (loop) with FadeOut value.

Panning envelope - You can also do stereo pans across 2 speakers. Effect will be mostly audible on headphones but also on speakers it will give the sound more space. You can also do left-right "swish's" or such effects with pan envelopes.

Pitch envelope - is used to give sound interesting pitch slide. It may start at octave up and slide quickly to lower octave as an example. To make a simple vibrato effect you can use Loop points and draw a sinus envelope, but for this purpose it is much easier with an LFO where you don't even need a pitch envelope (or you can use it for other purposes).

Filter envelope - The filter envelope is very effective on 303 slides or strings. Use it also to create interesting leads - it may, for example, change your lead from sounding dull to sounding sharp.

LFO's - Can be used to replace certain envelope effects. In certain cases you can do the whole thing only by using volume/pan/pitch LFO even without turning the graphical envelope on. LFO modulates sound but to hear the effect LFO gives it is best to start one and play with LFO waveforms, amplitude and frequency. You can also use an LFO together with an envelope for some special effects.

Split keyboard - Here is an example how to create multi sampled piano - assuming you have one sample for each C-key in each octave, load all of these as separate samples. Now select the first one and draw where you want to put it on the keyboard. Do the same for the second but one octave up. Do it for all samples you have. Setup a base note for each of them correctly! When you play this instrument now it will automatically jump to another sample when one sample's boundary has been reached. This results in a very natural sounding piano.

Envelopes are very powerful tools which are simple to learn but for a better understanding of them and how you can use them effectively you need to hear some examples. Therefore we prepared a few. For examples of using Instrument Envelopes load and play Tutorial?.rns included in songs folder. Then try turning off envelope and hear the difference. Play with them or learn them from other songs too.

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